Political Seasonings

Their Golden Bovine [ 7 minute read ] It's politics season. (When isn't it?) Politicians prepare for debates and, predictably, turn to their favourite marketing deities to attract voters. Some politicians invoke the gods of social progress, the gods of racial and sexual identity, others the gods of economics and prosperity, and still others the gods of national defence, borders and fundamental freedoms. Many invoke wrathful deities that are the patrons of the fearful, the insecure and of self-declared victims. The faithful invoke the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to the consternation of those who loathe fundamental freedoms and who demand a naked public square, i.e., a society scrubbed of (the Christian) religion. Socialism is the same as Communism, only better English. George Bernard Shaw Citizens of all nations, but in particular citizens of Western nations that are seeing the erosion of fundamental freedoms and the disintegration of public order, would do well to insist ...