
A read of various religious organizations' websites reveals a point of convergence relating to attempts to find a way forward even as the same communities are in steep decline. Brief Digression The websites looked at range from Anglican to United Church to Evangelical to liberal Catholic to Tradition-minded Catholic parishes. By "Tradition-minded" is here meant a parish robustly configured to the living Magisterium established by Jesus Christ and the teaching handed on by the Apostles. Convergence What is that point of convergence so frequently being talked about? Liminality. There is agreement among foundering communities, in particular, that they are in the midst of transition and (desperately) need coping mechanisms to survive. Most are in denial about the likelihood that their communities are, according to the stats , dying. The few exceptions, those making an honest effort to conform to the will of God by honouring the Apostolic Tradition, are thriving . That growth ...