Class Warfare Made In Canada
Lest it may seem that this post is off mission, a brief reminder: this blog is dedicated to truth, goodness and beauty. Instead of sitting down with protestors to have a civil discussion, Justin Trudeau chose confrontation and to demonize those who rightly criticize his actions. Justin Trudeau... . is a politician without an argument, without a plan, without respect for those who disagree with him, who routinely bad mouths decent folk, and their friends protesting attacks on fundamental freedoms. on several occasions, has worn blackface, yet plays the racist card time and time again against the truckers to avoid culpability for creating a national crisis. Shame on him! who when confronted by average citizens seeking an audience with him to address serious issues affecting all Canadians, ran into hiding, ostensibly because of an exposure to the coronavirus, avoiding his responsibility as Prime Minister to serve the people, the citizens of Canada. has attended BLM rallies that, in severa...