
Showing posts from February, 2022

Class Warfare Made In Canada

Lest it may seem that this post is off mission, a brief reminder: this blog is dedicated to truth, goodness and beauty. Instead of sitting down with protestors to have a civil discussion, Justin Trudeau chose confrontation and to demonize those who rightly criticize his actions. Justin Trudeau... . is a politician without an argument, without a plan, without respect for those who disagree with him, who routinely bad mouths decent folk, and their friends protesting attacks on fundamental freedoms. on several occasions, has worn blackface, yet plays the racist card time and time again against the truckers to avoid culpability for creating a national crisis. Shame on him! who when confronted by average citizens seeking an audience with him to address serious issues affecting all Canadians, ran into hiding, ostensibly because of an exposure to the coronavirus, avoiding his responsibility as Prime Minister to serve the people, the citizens of Canada. has attended BLM rallies that, in severa...

Pray for the Protection of Ukraine!

- from the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Beloved in God people of Ukraine! Our country is in danger again! The treacherous enemy, despite his own commitments and assurances, breaking the basic norms of international law, as an unjust aggressor, stepped on Ukrainian soil, bringing with him death and destruction. Our Ukraine, which the world fairly called "lands of blood", which has been so many times sprinkled with the blood of martyrs and fighters for the freedom and independence of its people, calls us today to stand up for it - to defend its dignity before God and humanity, its rights for existence and the right to choose one's future. It is our natural right and sacred duty to defend our land and our people, our state and all that is dearest to us: family, language and culture, history and the spiritual world! We are a peaceful nation that loves ch...

Liturgical integrity, ecclesial unity.

Dear Readers, unity in the Church is or should be a paramount concern for Catholics. For us - us Catholics, that is - liturgical integrity goes hand in hand with ecclesial unity. A unity of minds and hearts expresses the lex credendi lex orandi lex vivendi algorithm. Cardinal Ottaviani and the other Roman theologians who wrote to the Holy Father to draw attention to significant deficiencies in the Novus Ordo were concerned about the threat to unity that the new order of the Mass represented. Were the Cardinal's concerns warranted? Many well-informed Catholics think so, and given the countless bizarre celebrations of the Novus Ordo Missae witnessed in the past 50+ years, it is easy to understand why Cardinal Ottaviani and his brother theologians were so concerned that introducing such a radically altered liturgy would threaten the unity of the Church. That so many Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, a fact repeatedly testified to in reliab...

The twain shall never meet?

Dichotomy Catholic Neophilia - everything new is great. Catholic Neophobia - everything new is bad. In fairness, Catholic neophiliacs fear the old as much as they love the new. Likewise, Catholic neophobes fear the new as much as they love the old. Not everything new is bad; not everything new is great. Not everything old is bad; not everything old is great. Now that that's all said, let's move on. The recent struggles of Latin Mass enthusiasts are so very unfortunate, and unnecessary. How can 'the old' be a threat unless those who consider 'the new' to be so fragile that highly proscriptive measures are imposed (necessary?) to make 'the threat', i.e., 'the old', go away so that the new may flourish? The following equation is unfounded. It is math that frequently finds a home among neophiles in the blogosphere. Latin Mass enthusiasts appreciate the older Form, ∴ their preference constitutes a rejection of the new Mass produced by the Consilium co...

Edward 'The Reliable', and other nicknames

Edward the Confessor, Charles the Great (Carolus Magnus, Charlemagne), Saint Leo the Great, Pepin the Short, Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong, Billy the Kid, Ivan the Terrible, and so on. What follows is a list of nicknames for members of the Catholisphere. Edward 'The Reliable' Pentin Cardinal Blaise 'The Careerist' Cupich Cardinal George 'The Indomitable' Pell Benedict 'Exemplar of Reason' XVI Cardinal Raymond 'The Magnificent' Burke Dr. Helen M. 'Truth and Goodness' Alvaré Fr. James 'Brokeback' Martin, SJ Lila 'Defender of Life' Rose Justin 'The Patronizer Bunny' Trudeau Jordan 'Hammer of Idiots' Peterson (not Catholic yet, but here's hoping!) Joe 'What Was I Saying?' Biden Nancy 'Lilith' Pelosi Bishop Georg 'Batz for Brains' Bätzing Bishop Athanasius 'Lion of Orthodoxy' Schneider Archbishop Arthur 'The Uncertain' Roche Dr. Edward 'Light of the Law' Pe...

Freedom is not the Government's to Take

Cowichan News | BC Legislature Normal people - yes, normal people - have taken to the highways and streets of our country calling for a return to sanity. It is strange that the protestors of yesteryear now complaining about the Freedom Convoy, the radicals who were habitually anti establishment, are now siding with a government whose policies fail to acknowledge and respect those who have laboured to keep our economy from completely imploding. The Freedom Convoy If you haven't heard by now, a simply search of the web will reveal that Canadian truckers and allies have congregated en masse in Ottawa. The Prime Minister, citing covid contact, disappeared into seclusion. Justin Trudeau has since chirped up saying he has refused to meet with representatives of the trucking community, citing problematic behaviours by a tiny minority of those gathering across the nation as justification for his refusal to meet with the organizers and responsible representatives of the Convoy. Trudeau cla...


"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
Every effort is made herein this blog to conform to the teaching of the Church - Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est. Comments are welcome.