Reasons To Doubt Thomas: Part One

Saint Anthony of Padua, 'Hammer of Heretics': pray for us. No, not Saint Thomas the Apostle (Gospel according to St. John 20:24-29). Saint Thomas' doubt served/serves a divine purpose (v. 29). In due course (Part Two), we will chat about another Thomas, a man who desperately needs our prayers. - - - To the mind that submits to grace, divine revelation (and its companion: mystery) is an ever expanding opportunity to encounter the True, the Good and the Beautiful, the living God, an opportunity to explore God's self disclosure that God gifts to people in graced glimpses. Those glimpses are most reliably discovered when, by grace, God's people approach in humility the Holy Eucharist, i.e., Divine Worship, the Mass. Take note, too, that many graces flow from Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Where Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated, vocations to the religious life and the priesthood flourish. The Mass was i...