Communion in the Hand. Politics trump prudence?

Those of us privileged to attend Divine Worship, the Mass of the Ordinariate, are able to appreciate the necessity of receiving Holy Communion on the tongue. The state of affairs in the wider Church, in diocesan circles for starters, is of a kind that merits the witness of Ordinariate Catholics who kneel to receive communion on the tongue. The Ordinariate can help restore to the wider Church due reverence for the Holy Eucharist. Along with our Extraordinary Form brethren who hold to the same practice, we can help others recover a sense of profound adoration and reverence for the Holy Eucharist. Let us call to mind the (near universally ignored) teaching which sought to uphold, if even in a limp manner, the practice of communion on the tongue. It is a brief document worth quoting in its entirety. - - - MEMORIALE DOMINI Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy Communion Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship Issued on May 29, 1969. When the Church cel...