The New Year And The New Evangelization

As we approach secular New Year celebrations, we might take a moment to reflect on the ever-present need to bring the Gospel to a world whose citizens are in constant need of hope and of the assurance that they are capable of giving and receiving authentic love. The necessity of prayer and acceptance of God's invitation to newness of life. To be able to adopt and realize a new way of thinking and being requires an ongoing willingness to change, to encounter the truth about oneself in a world that provides many shallow alternatives to Jesus' way of truth, goodness and beauty. The path to renewal depends on cooperation with God, Who loves you and Who provides you with the grace - His very life and loving power - to help you be restored to communion with Him. That communion is a relationship of love. God informs the heart and mind and draws us into His embrace. Through prayer and formation in His word, the voice of God speaking in and through Holy Scripture, we come...