Quotes For A Friday In Trinitytide

  1. The ingrate is always lacking hope. Hope is the currency that the grateful man freely offers to others.
  2. The selfish man takes more than he has earned; the generous man prospers in giving.
  3. A stranger is a man whose heart is not yet known.
  4. Holiness (sanctitas) - God's gift of purity, illumination and unity with Him - and godliness (pietas) - man's practice of religion (1 Timothy 4:7) - that, aided by God's grace, disposes the soul to God's truth, love and mercy. These are the roads the saints walk that lead to the palace of God and everlasting joy.
  5. One's persecutors exist to be corrected or to prune others to become better Christians.
  6. True authority is given and received not taken, usually earned due to faithfulness to truth and goodness, and not traded as nor reduced to a commodity.
  7. The man without awe and wonder has lost his innocence. He is a man of lust and subject to perversion.
  8. A gossip is a thief and a coward. He steals goodness and mercy from the vulnerable and fears the truth about himself.
  9. Satisfaction shuns excess.


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