20 Top Catholic Sites

Sites/individuals that embody:

  • Catholicity: faithfulness to Sacred Tradition, i.e., the Magisterium and the Bible; lex orandi lex credendi lex vivendi
  • Intelligence: orthodox, informed, insightful; sentire cum ecclesia
  • Mission: the salvation of souls; salus animarum lex maxima Ecclesiae
  • Truth, goodness, beauty and holiness; veritas, bonitas, pulchritudo, sanctitas
  1. Daily Morning and Evening Prayer | The Divine Office
  2. Bishop Robert Barron at Word On Fire | Theologian and author
  3. Monsignor Charles Pope | Preacher and commentator
  4. Fr. Raymond de Souza | Priest, professor, commentator
  5. Fr Mike Schmitz at Ascension | Catholic perspectives on cultural and societal issues
  6. Fr. John Hunwicke | History, liturgics, language, culture
  7. Dr. Edward Feser | Catholic philosopher
  8. Dr. Peter Kreeft | Catholic philosopher
  9. Eva Vlaardingerbroeck | Catholic political philosopher
  10. David Torkington | Spiritual theologian
  11. Catholic Answers | Apologetics & Evangelization
  12. Big Pulpit | Catholic News & Punditry
  13. The Catholic Thing | A forum for intelligent Catholic commentary
  14. Catholic Education Resource Centre | Catholic values, Catholic authors
  15. Edward Pentin | Accurate, up to date, and comprehensive analyses and communication solutions
  16. First Things | Journal of Religion and Public Life
  17. The Pillar | News and analysis covering the Catholic Church
  18. The Catholic Herald (UK) | International news
  19. New Liturgical Movement | Sacred Liturgy and liturgical arts
  20. Liturgical Arts Journal | Articles & resources


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