Strickland Removed
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Bishop Strickland relieved of pastoral governance of US diocese
The Vatican has published the Pope’s decision concerning the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, following an apostolic visitation conducted by two US bishops.
Read and weep.
Excerpt from the Vatican News report:
The Holy Father has removed Bishop Joseph E. Strickland from the pastoral governance of the diocese of Tyler, United States of America, and has appointed Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin as apostolic administrator of the same diocese, rendering it sede vacante.
The decision came after an apostolic visitation ordered by the Pope last June in the Diocese of Tyler, which was entrusted to two US bishops, Bishop Dennis Sullivan of Camden, and Bishop Emeritus Gerald Kicanas of Tucson.
“As a result of the Visitation,” the statement continues, “the recommendation was made to the Holy Father that the continuation in office of Bishop Strickland was not feasible. After months of careful consideration by the Dicastery for Bishops and the Holy Father, the decision was reached that the resignation of Bishop Strickland should be requested. Having been presented with that request on November 9, 2023, Bishop Strickland declined to resign from office.” Pope Francis then decided to remove the bishop.
Bishop Strickland is not the first and won't be the last forthright orthodox prelate to be jammed up against a wall to suffer at the hands of misguided men. Barring any revelation of serious personal sin, it seems a good bet that, in God's time and perhaps with a new pope, more reasonable heads will prevail and this action against Bishop Strickland will be seen for what it is - an unjustly punitive decision intended to silence a faithful Catholic and critic of the imprudent policies and questionable (non-magesterial) teachings of the Bishop of Rome.
But when Cephas (Peter, the First Bishop of Rome, Pope, Universal Shepherd) came to Antioch, I (Paul) opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. - Galatians 2:11-13
Bishop Strickland is not alone in his concerns about Francis' teachings. Other major prelates have expressed concerns about Pope Francis' teachings. Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC, for one, has produced a catechism. One wonders whether or not Bishop Schneider will face censure for his defence of the Faith?
Read also:
Father Thomas Weinandy, OFM Cap, former doctrinal head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and no theological lightweight, has expressed real concern:
Let us pray for Bishop Strickland and his now former flock. May the Lord console Bishop Strickland and give him a wide and deep perspective on suffering, a pain wed to the sufferings of Jesus on the cross that can bring one closer to Christ.
Let us also pray for Pope Francis, a pope whose reputation has been darkened by the cover provided to mosaicist Marko Rupnik, a priest who was expelled from his religious order because of his decades long record of serial abuse, but who was recently incardinated in the Slovenian Diocese of Koper. That Rupnik has been able to fly freely during the Francis papacy has cut deep wounds into the lives of Rupnik's victims.
A serial abuser finds haven, and a holy bishop is given his walking papers. Not a good day for the Francis papacy.
Archbishop Vigano @ X:
Catholic Herald:
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