Intentionally Peculiar Moments In Religion?

The Barque of Peter replaced by the Barge of Francis

Oddities, odd deities and weird ditties shipped in to parishes to clutter the cloisters of the Church.

Domini-canus Biretta
(No animals were harmed in the production of this biretta.)

A favourite of the Order of Preachers. Comes with a retractable leash and a stick. Tennis ball not included.

Heresy's Child Fashions

No need to take on the TEC's issues, we've got enough of our own problems.

The Miterang

For the charismatic (i.e., beguiling) bishop who loves to make an impression on the congregation. Now he can toss his hat into the nave and, if the angle is right, can have it land on his head at that moment in the homily when he tries to hit up his flock for an extra $10 million in cash to make up for the shortfall created by abuse lawsuits, shallow teaching and banal liturgies favoured by aged hippies clinging to their demented dreams of an earthly utopia saturated with free cheap love, folk Masses, clown Masses, etc., that have led to empty pews. (Whew! That was a mouthful.)

Zucchetto Illuminato
Easter Vigil accessory

The light you know you need to make readable the lessons during the Vigil. No more hot wax dripping on the lectionary and/or one's hands.

Pontifex Maximullet

Nothing says 'Your Hairiness' like a mile high coiffure.

Synodal Sporran Way

The Bätzing wearable aumbry.

Martin The Barbarian

The Horn-headed Rainbow Crested Presbyter, a species of invasive clergy.

Altar Server Action Wear

For the athletically inclined acolyte. Free paten with the purchase of five or more sets of action wear.


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"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
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