
Showing posts from April, 2023

Divine Worship: the Angels, Isaiah and Us

[ Read time: 9 minutes ] In highlighting the passages below, attention is drawn to the relationships between beings of a higher and lower order. In the Mass, if we are humble and call upon God's enabling grace, and if God so wills it, we are drawn into a sublime encounter with the Lord, illuminated to attend to God with the knowledge granted us. In the Mass, "the angels influence people to enter more profoundly into prayer." Excerpt from The Celestial Hierarchy by Dionysius the Areopagite | 3. The theologians therefore clearly show that the lower ranks of the Celestial Beings receive the understanding of the divine works from those above them in a fitting manner, and that the highest are correspondingly enlightened in the Divine Mysteries by the Most High God Himself. For some of them are shown to us as enlightened in holy matters by those above them, and we learn that He who in human form ascended to heaven is Lord of the Celestial Powers and King of Glory. An...

To Infinity And Beyond: converting to reverent liturgy.

[ 6 Minute Read ] A conversation the other day with a good friend revealed a shared experience. We both admitted to experiencing (tolerating?) Masses celebrated by a "Father Broadway". That is, a priest whose liturgical personality - actions, attitude, preparation or lack thereof - obscures the nature of the Mass. We struggled with being forced into the orbit of a priest whose wayward antics were wounding. We continue to pray for those priests in most need of God's mercy. We learned during our conversation that we both agree that, during the most frustrating moments, the obstacle or factor limiting our attentiveness to the worship of God was ours to own. We acknowledged that our inability to bear what we perceived as an insurmountable distraction required prayer for the graces needed to avoid unfair judgement and various unholy grudges. It is far too easy to find fault with another's behaviour. That said, sometimes one has to call it like he sees it. Leaving the Churc...

The Preface Dialogue of Divine Worship: a meditation

[ READ TIME 7 minutes ] The Preface Dialogue is a three part exchange between people and celebrant in the Mass that acknowledges the movement of prayer toward the Father in glory. The practice of having the people - not just the Master of Ceremonies, for example - respond to the priest, became prevalent in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. The practice of the people praying aloud the Preface was not unknown prior to the Council. Dialogue Masses, typically Low Masses, witnessed the involvement of the congregation making the responses together with the servers. preface (n.) Online Etymological Dictionary late 14c., "an introduction to the canon of the Mass," also "statement or statements introducing a discourse, book, or other composition; series of preliminary remarks, written or spoken," from Old French preface "opening part of sung devotions" (14c.) and directly from Medieval Latin prefatia , from Latin praefationem (nominative praefatio ) "fo...

Are Catholics Time (and Space) Travelers?

[ Estimated read time 5 minutes ] Yes and no. We are present to all of history in the Mass. Christ makes all of history and eternity present to us. The past, present and the future become "now" in the Mass. Or, perhaps the "now" becomes past and future. Perhaps the past and future expand into the present. And... . Catechism of the Catholic Church - Sacrifice of Calvary 1330 The memorial of the Lord's Passion and Resurrection. The Holy Sacrifice, because it makes present the one sacrifice of Christ the Savior and includes the Church's offering. The terms holy sacrifice of the Mass, "sacrifice of praise," spiritual sacrifice, pure and holy sacrifice are also used, since it completes and surpasses all the sacrifices of the Old Covenant. The sacrificial memorial of Christ and of his Body, the Church 1363 In the sense of Sacred Scripture the memorial is not merely the recollection of past events but the proclamation of the mighty works wrought by God f...

Jesuit Church? Catholic Church?

  [ 5 minute read ] The Jesuits are a clever bunch. Intelligent, often proud - and not always in the best sense of the word. Today's Church has seen the best and worst of what the Jesuits have to offer: Mitch Pacwa versus James Martin; Fr. Hardon versus Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich. ℣. How judgemental! ℟. Just calling the behaviours as we see 'em. We have a Jesuit Pope, a Bishop of Rome whose off-the-cuff remarks have created considerable confusion among the faithful, and offered fuel to bolster dissidents. One could hope he might mind his tongue more often, but he is who he is: he is the Vicar of Christ. In his hands are the keys of Saint Peter. That does not mean everything he says merits absolute obedience. As noted, at times he speaks his mind - his mind, not the mind of the Church - and we must carefully distinguish between the voice of Bergolio and the voice of Peter. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. What is good for t...

Love, and a bit about DNA: Holy Week Edition

[ 5 minute read ] All the minutiae of religious life are given the deference they deserve as symbols of a great reality, though of themselves they might appear as exaggerated, cumbersome, or formalistic; maybe as mere nuisances. This is where so many of the errors that beget Impassioned Authors to correct them originate—on the surface. “Tuus sum.” I am yours, God. Not, “I must loosen the collar of this regulation-shirt so that I can really do something for You, God.” What mental strutting about we do when we talk of doing something for God! What can we do for Him but love Him? And how can we love Him more profoundly or comprehensively than simply by being His? We report here the solution structure of several repetitive DNA sequences containing d(TCGTTCCGT) and related repeats. At physiological pH, these sequences fold into i-motif like quadruplexes in which every two repeats a globular structure is stabilized by two h...

Support Priests!

Let us support our beloved priests by helping them to live the dignity of their office. Provide for their daily needs and for their retirement: Almighty and everlasting God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thou dost provide to Thy Holy Church the ministry of presbyters ordained to serve Holy Mass, that Jesus our Saviour and Redeemer may be Present among us in a most sublime manner. Grant to priests every grace to sustain them and to help them fulfill their calling. As Thou didst send an angel to succour Thy Son in the Garden of Gethsemane, provide in Thy mercy solace to Thy sons, our shepherds, and grant to them every blessing in their service. Help us to support our beloved spiritual fathers with our love and care, respect and gratitude. We beseech Thee, Father, grant these requests and all good gifts through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen. Holy Mary, Mother of Pries...


"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
Every effort is made herein this blog to conform to the teaching of the Church - Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est. Comments are welcome.