Divine Worship: the Angels, Isaiah and Us

[ Read time: 9 minutes ] In highlighting the passages below, attention is drawn to the relationships between beings of a higher and lower order. In the Mass, if we are humble and call upon God's enabling grace, and if God so wills it, we are drawn into a sublime encounter with the Lord, illuminated to attend to God with the knowledge granted us. In the Mass, "the angels influence people to enter more profoundly into prayer." Excerpt from The Celestial Hierarchy by Dionysius the Areopagite | msu.edu 3. The theologians therefore clearly show that the lower ranks of the Celestial Beings receive the understanding of the divine works from those above them in a fitting manner, and that the highest are correspondingly enlightened in the Divine Mysteries by the Most High God Himself. For some of them are shown to us as enlightened in holy matters by those above them, and we learn that He who in human form ascended to heaven is Lord of the Celestial Powers and King of Glory. An...