Dance with Death: U-Church of Canada Abandons Hope

Advent is a season of hope. The holy season of Advent invites us to shift our priorities and to embrace the gift of hope found in Jesus Christ. There are many cheap and hostile substitutes for hope barking for our attention and support. Alerted by a video by Mr. Matt Walsh to a United Church of Canada (UCC) database containing incantations, as social commentator Walsh has rightly termed such misguided and misguiding compositions, it's this blogger's sincere desire that those in the UCC who possess even a modicum of commonsense, for the sake of their souls, upon confronting the horrifyingly misleading material concocted by the UCC brass, will come to their senses and veer toward safer harbours where the dignity of human beings created in the image and likeness of God is preserved and human life is revered, not painted over using some diabolical inversion of prayer. Original texts can be viewed at the following UCC link: g. ...