Verging (Vergering?) On The Particulars

Blethering Place?

The verger busied himself quietly, replacing the painted wooden cover on the marble font, taking away a chair that had been brought for an infirm old lady, and waited for the vicar to have finished in the vestry so that he could tidy up in there and go home. Presently he saw him walk across the chancel, genuflect in front of the high altar, and come down the aisle; but he still wore his cassock.

`What's he 'anging about for?' the verger said to himself. `Don't'e know I want my tea?

Brand-ishing his virge.

Serious Mace

58. Verger's Staff, the use of which is recognized in the Ceremonial of Bishops (Book 2 chap xxvii. n. 5), is usually surmounted by an emblem of the Patron Saint of the Church, or some other appropriate design. - pp. 17-18, The Sacristan's Manual (3rd Edition); or, Hand-Book of Church Furniture, Ornament, &c., harmonized with the most approved commentaries on the Roman Ceremonial, and the latest decrees of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, by the Rev. J.D. Hilarious Dale.


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