Saint John Henry Newman, Victoria, August Picnic 2021

Guests start to arrive.

A group of 120+ people signed-up for and attended a most enjoyable catered afternoon of burgers, salads, hot dogs, and parishioner provided desserts. The picnic was held at a farm belonging to a family of the Victoria Ordinariate. Games were provided for children, youth and adults. The weather was beautiful, warm with a light breeze. Families from the Latin Mass community also attended. The event concluded with Compline.

Homemade pie!

'Loosen The Laces' shoe toss. "Look ma... no hands!"

Pre-launch Sequence

Piñata Catechesis

60yrs+ Stride Competition
Competitors were permitted two large steps toward the finish line every time their card was drawn.

Water balloon toss - a successful catch!

Another successful catch!

Getting ready for Sung Compline.


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