Promising Promises

Consider for a moment the possibility that the Personal Ordinariates established by the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus are an authentic realization of a via media, a true middle way that faithfully embodies and celebrates the received lex orandi lex credendi of the Church that makes real the need to communicate faithfully to men the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ for our time and times to come.

Mankind has not returned the embrace.

Divine Worship: beautiful prayers in a beautiful vernacular.

What ICEL overlooked, the Personal Ordinariates captured.

For all his faults, Cranmer was a master of languages. His work could have been borrowed to ensure the beauty of the Mass could be realized in the vernacular. Thankfully, his translations and compositions have been preserved in the Personal Ordinariates, and when necessary, purified to accord with Catholic doctrine. The Anglican Patrimony received into communion with Holy Mother Church is a treasure to be shared!

So then, will English speaking Catholics and others access the gifts of beauty, truth and goodness found in the Personal Ordinariates that wait for them to enjoy, to help them live lives of Christian beauty, truth and goodness?
What we pray is who we are and therefore the liturgy form that is now fully Catholic, approved by the Holy See, encapsulates a lot of the patrimony pre-reformation and post-reformation of the Anglican tradition. There is a poetry in the language, there is a rhythm to the language and somehow that connects with people’s desire and search for truth, and beauty and holiness. - Msgr Harry Entwistle


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