
Showing posts from June, 2021

Burning Churches

The remains of the Chopaka Church on Lower Similkameen land. Photo Chief Keith Crow Catholic churches are being burned. Who does this hurt? Indigenous Catholics who, at this time, need to be able to worship in safety, and to have a place to grieve together for the loss of lives at residential schools. Whoever is burning our churches, they are only inflecting more pain and suffering. A conversation with a close friend early the morning of the burning of a church on the Lower Similkameen Nation, on the Chopaka reserve, confirmed the anguish of an elder, a woman who has attended and cared for that church for decades. Ben woodfinden provides a balanced perspective in his article for the National Post. (B)urning down places of worship is always wrong, period. If you can’t bring yourself to say that then shame on you. What makes these fires even worse in some ways is that the people most hurt are Indigenous Canadians and Indigenous Catholics especially . The churches burnt down were on Indig...

Be Aware of the Tides of Much

Britannica With an infusion of the Anglican Patrimony into the Catholic Church, Catholics have regained a robust collection of "tides". Hopefully this brief post will "tide you over" for a minute or two. Hallowtide or Allhallowtide: encompasses the triduum of All Saints' Eve (All Hallows' Eve or Hallowe'en), All Saints' Day (All Hallows') and All Souls' Day. Advent: a penitential season, prepares us for the birth of Christ. Advent begins on Advent Sunday and ends on Christmas Eve. Sapientiatide : The last week of Advent, starting on December 17 and ending on the day before Christmas Eve. Christmastide : lasts until the Vigil of Epiphany, known as Twelfth Night. Christmastide actually extends well beyond Epiphany and is concluded by the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin on February 2. Epiphanytide : is really a continuation of the Christmas season, and is kept until Alleluia Saturday, the day before Septuagesima Sunday. Shrovetid...

The Fourth Dean of the Canadian Deanery of Saint John The Baptist

Bishop Steven Lopes appointed the Rev'd Msgr Timothy Perkins as Dean of the Canadian St. John the Baptist Deanery effective May 2021. The Very Rev'd Msgr Timothy Perkins is also the Vicar General of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and Chaplain to His Holiness. The Deanery of St. John the Baptist was established on 7 December 2012 to serve the first eleven Canadian Ordinariate communities. Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson, first Ordinary of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter at the time, appointed Fr. Lee Kenyon as the first Dean of the Deanery.  Fr. Carl Reid was appointed  the second Dean with Fr. Doug Hayman appointed the third Dean. Msgr Timothy Perkins has been appointed the fourth Dean. Since that time, the Canadian Deanery has been officially incorporated and has attained CRA Charity Recognition. The Officers are Rev. Msgr Timothy Perkins VG (Dean and Chair of the Board), Fr. Doug Hayman (Vice-Chair of the Board), Ms. Deborah Gyapong (Secretary) and Mr. B...

Quotes for a Weekend

There should be no unity with iniquity. ... Yes, we should strive for unity, but our unity should be based on the truths of our faith as found in Sacred Scripture and the constant Tradition of the Church. No one should want to be united on the path to perdition. - Bishop Thomas Paprocki (T)o consent to the conception of a new being, through one’s own actions, is to make oneself responsible for an undertaking of nurturing and educating that child, which reaches at least 20 years into the future.  Since we cannot know the future, such an undertaking is reasonable only if it is regarded as a joint undertaking with someone who does know that future, that is, if we regard it as done with the approval and blessing of God in his providence. That is to say, for a father to conceive a child in openness to life, is for him to place himself under God: he recognizes himself as a subsidiary source of life and, therefore, since he has become a subsidiary agent, he enjoys a subsidiary author...

The Art of War

The Battle of Lepanto For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12 Times like these are not unlike other eras during which the Church has been compelled to reorient her approach to evangelization for the sake of souls, for the sake of remaining faithful to the mission of Christ. However, by adapting to circumstances, the Church does not surrender the integrity of the content of the Faith. Ever. Never. The world needs the hope of the Gospel unvarnished, not some chimera of worldly ideologies and feel-good pseudo-spiritualities. Translating the Catholic Faith into terms that the unchurched can understand is an act of charity. However, too often, as the headlines readily confirm, Catholics who don't know the Faith and substitute a Jesus made in their own image for the revealed Son of God - a lamentable fact which too frequently inc...

Eucharistic Coherence

Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret (1852–1929) | The Last Supper Jesus Christ is the Eucharist. He is Present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. A Basic Catholic Catechism (C) 1990 by Fr. William G. Most, Part 12 367. What is necessary to receive Holy Communion worthily? To receive Holy Communion worthily it is necessary to be free from mortal sin, to have a right intention and to obey the Church's laws on the fast required before Holy Communion out of reverence for the body and blood of Our Divine Lord. (a) Venial sin does not make us unworthy of receiving Holy Communion; but it does prevent us from receiving the more abundant graces and blessings which we would otherwise receive from Holy Communion. 368. Does he who knowingly receives Holy Communion in mortal sin receive the body and blood of Christ and His graces? He who knowingly receives Holy Communion in mortal sin receives the body and blood of Christ, but he does not receive His graces and commits a grave sin of sacrilege. (a) To receiv...

Quotes for Friday June 18th

Triumph of the Virtues (1502) | Minerve chassant les Vices du jardin des Vertus | Mantegna Bullying sounds like it belongs in the schoolyard. But in the life of the Church it represents a scandalous inversion of everything the incarnation of Jesus stood for. His self-emptying and vulnerable humility is the far flung opposite of the psychological brutalising and manipulation. - Gavin Ashenden In some causes silence is dangerous. - Saint Ambrose of Milan I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody. - Abraham Lincoln No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt Every night before going to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness did I overcome today? What virtue did I acquire? - Lucius Annaeus Seneca Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke. - Benjamin Disraeli How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself? - Epictetus No one heals himself by wounding another. - Saint Ambrose He that is kind is free, though he ...


"I was gathered into the offering of the Son to the Father. I participated in the self-offering of God today."
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