The Churching of Women: Victoria Ordinariate (Saint John Henry Newman)

Reception in the narthex of the church: mother kneeling with son.

The Churching of Women (benedictio mulieris post partum), i.e., the blessing of one woman with her brand new baby boy (who is less than a week old!), on Monday, February 17th, the memorial of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order, at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church.

Celebrating Motherhood!

The brief and beautiful ceremony, of 15 minutes or so that involved family and friends gathered before God, was a first for this blogger.
Churching is the woman's way of giving thanks to God for the birth of her child, and predisposes her, through the priestly blessing that is a part of the ritual, to receive the graces necessary to raise her child in a manner pleasing to God.
Congratulations to the happy parents, Fr. Kenyon and wife Elizabeth, on the arrival of their second son!

Saints Sebastian and Edward: pray for him.

Procession to the Sanctuary

At the Gate: sprinkled with holy water.

The eldest son serving; Father Kenyon officiating.

Mum with five of her six children and grandparents.


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