Community: Anglican Patrimony Society (Portland)

Portland has a community in formation. Visit their handsome website at:

While you're there, consider offering a donation to help them along..

Anglican Patrimony Society

Offer a prayer on behalf of the Portland community. Perhaps something like the prayer below:

ALMIGHTY AND EVERLASTING GOD, Who dost govern all things in heaven and earth, mercifully hear our prayers, and grant to this Ordinariate all things needful for its spiritual welfare: priests and deacons to labour in this portion of Thy vineyard; holy, learned, and zealous religious; churches complete in the beauty of holiness. Strengthen and confirm the faithful; protect and guide the children. Visit and relieve the sick; turn and soften the wicked. Arouse the careless; recover the fallen. Restore the penitent. Remove all hindrances to the advancement of Thy truth; and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within the fold of Thy holy Church, to the honour and glory of Thy blessed Name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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