ACS on the Anglicanorum Coetibus 10th Anniversary Conference

ACS / AC Conference 2019

And links to this:
Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or what?
The title of the celebration was ‘Solemn High,’ and its execution did not disappoint. In the traditional fashion of masses celebrated according to the Ordinariate's missal, Divine Worship, the altar party faced east, leading the congregation in prayer. Communion was distributed in both kinds to Catholic communicants kneeling at prayer benches arranged to simulate an altar rail. There were no extraordinary ministers of holy communion. During the Solemn Te Deum, there were two thurifers doing their best to fill the vast space of the cathedral with incense.

Keep checking the ACS website, which reports that they "will have a lot more on this conference, the talks, the liturgies in days to come."


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