New Ordinary For Southern Cross

Pope Francis appointed Canadian priest Fr Carl Reid the second Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross on 26 March – a role he will take up in August.

Pope Francis has also accepted the resignation of Msgr Harry Entwistle, who has served as leader of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross since it was established in 2012.

Now that the cat is out of the proverbial bag, this blogger is free to expand on the previous blog post.

Fr. Carl has been a tireless worker in the portion of the vineyard of the Lord known as Canada, more specifically Victoria, BC, and surrounding area. The Very Reverend Fr. Carl Reid, VF, is the Dean of the Canadian Ordinariate (Deanery of Saint John the Baptist).

Fr. Carl edited the lovely and necessary Saint Peter Gradual (Minor Propers and other important chants for Divine Worship) and has, with Monsignor Wilkinson, enabled the patrimonial practice of daily sung Mattins in our community. Fr. Carl, soon to be Monsignor Reid, is an able musician and liturgist. He is serenely focused on the worship of God in the beauty of holiness (Ps. 96:9). The people of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross will have in their new Ordinary a man who is balanced, down-to-earth, an able administrator, an enthusiastic Ordinariate Catholic, and a dedicated man of God who loves the Lord Jesus and His Mother.

It's far too soon to say goodbye to our beloved pastor and his wife. For now, let the prayers begin for Fr. Carl and Barb as they prepare for the transition to be with the people of the Torres Strait Islands, Japan and the Philippines.


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