Is There a Link Between Clergy Abuse and Liturgical Abuse?

This blogger is certainly not the first to ask that question, nor will he likely be the last.

Dr. Kwasniewski reminds us in an article, The Connection Between Liturgical Abuse and Abuse of Minors:

Given the absolute centrality and infinite dignity of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist, abuse of the liturgy and the sacraments is the worst crime against God and man possible. If the highest and holiest thing in existence does not deserve our utmost veneration, why should mere human beings deserve any respect? We are mere dust and ashes compared to the divine Sacrifice of the Altar. On the other hand, if we profoundly reverence and fear Christ, true God and true man, we will acknowledge and care for His image in the souls and bodies of all human beings. Reverence for Him goes hand-in-hand with respect for the little ones.


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