Exposed: CCODP supports causes antithetical to Catholic teaching. Bishops take action.

The Beauty of Truth & Justice

Faithful Catholics have long lobbied the CCCB to address the highly problematic associations of the CCODP, Canada's Catholic development agency. Sadly, complaints previously fell on mostly deaf ears. All too frequently, the faithful have been met with hostility by members and staff of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Perhaps now Canada's bishops and staff at the CCCB will take a cue from the Holy Father and apologize for their mistreatment of concerned Catholic citizens and for not taking more seriously the complaints against the CCODP.

A brief history lesson on the CCODP's shameful activities can be found at the following link:

A particularly enlightening article can be found at the following link:

And, another useful article:

And, then there's the truth about D&P's shabby management of funds:

Thanks be to God, Catholic Canadian bishops are taking serious action. And, isn't it time that Catholic Canadians redirect their charitable giving to a responsible organization such as Chalice?

An excerpt from the exposé at the Catholic News Agency:

Toronto, Canada, Apr 12, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News).- The Archdiocese of Toronto is joining other Canadian dioceses withholding funds from the international development agency sponsored by the Canadian bishops’ conference.

The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) is an overseas development agency sponsored by the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops. A recent investigation found that the agency has partnered with organizations upholding policies contradictory to Catholic Church teaching, particularly on matters of abortion, contraception and gender theory.

“A recent review of CCODP partners, conducted by representatives of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has produced alarming concerns about dozens of overseas organizations,” said Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto in an April 11 statement, according to the Canadian Catholic News.

“It is critical to ensure that it allocates no funds to projects or groups that operate contrary to the moral and social teachings of the Church,” Collins continued.

Seven other dioceses have withdrawn financial support from CCODP, including St. Catharine, Edmonton, St. Paul, Nelson, and Whitehorse. The Archdiocese of Toronto said that it would freeze around $800,000 CAD earmarked for CCODP until the matter is settled.

Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton said April 4 that approximately 40 CCODP partners have shown “evidence of conflict with Catholic moral and social teaching” which does not “demonstrate full respect for the sanctity of human life.”

Thanks be to God for the witness of Archbishop Smith of Edmonton. 

As the (Arch)bishop goes, so go the Knights. Vice versa? The Knights of Columbus (Fr. Bonner Council 7599, St. Thomas More Parish, Edmonton) did their homework:

An excerpt from Archbishop Smith’s Pastoral Letter, 4 April 2018.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development of Peace (CCODP) was established by the Bishops of Canada in 1967 to foster justice and integral human development in the Global South. The Archdiocese of Edmonton has strongly supported Development and Peace through the annual Share Lent Campaign for many years, and most recently through our annual Together We Serve appeal.

Development and Peace fulfills its mandate in collaboration with more than one hundred partner agencies in the Global South, contracting with them to carry out specific projects aimed at improving the lives of our sisters and brothers in many developing countries. The Bishops of Canada have recently been apprised of the preliminary results of a review of these CCODP partners.

The initial results communicated to us are alarming. An estimated forty partners appear to show evidence of conflict with Catholic moral and social teaching and, in particular, that they do not demonstrate full respect for the sanctity of human life.

For this reason, the Archdiocese of Edmonton will withhold the D&P portion of the 2018 Together We Serve donations from Development and Peace. The funds will be withheld until such time as we receive clear assurance that funds received from present and future Together We Serve collections will be used only by agencies whose mission, values and practices cohere with the teachings of the Catholic Church and with the criteria of Caritas Internationalis, of which the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace is the Canadian representative.


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