Divine Worship - Ordinariate Study Missal

H/T Peregrinations

Divine Worship - Ordinariate Study Missal - available April 23rd.
Pre-order option available.

Description from CTS:

A new, smaller-sized ritual edition of the Divine Worship Missal, useful for reference and liturgical planning.

These texts for the celebration of Mass have been approved and promulgated by the Holy See for use in the Personal Ordinariates established under the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus. This Missal will foster the noble and worthy celebration of the Sacred Liturgy in the Ordinariates worldwide, and provide an essential study text for all who love the Church’s worship.

Includes the Order of Mass, Proper of Time and Sanctoral cycle with votive, ritual and Masses for the dead with all the main liturgical texts set to music.


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