Holy Mass or Unholy Mess?

Saint John Henry Newman, Victoria, BC [Estimated read: 8 minutes] If you, dear reader, are not bothered by the downward trajectory of the celebration of the Mass, or actively contribute to liturgical abuse (e.g., by disregarding the prescribed text of the Order of Mass), you might stand to benefit from reading this post. SC 22:3. Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the liturgy on his own authority. For those who acknowledge, affirm and defend the Mass and promote its solemn celebration, this post will likely amount to preaching to the choir. Even we members of the choir can profit from a tune-up as the need arises. This is a brief meditation on the beauty of solemn liturgy, the necessity of reverence, and the truth that compels honest God-loving and God-fearing folk to worship God in the beauty of holiness. Grace We rely on God for the grace that sustains our faithful witness to His glorious Presence. We rely on His grace for the ab...