A play-by-play on Pope Francis' and related comments about the Liturgy and worship.

Thursday, July 21, 2022 CNA Beauty, truth, and unity: Why Pope Francis is so concerned with the liturgy Pope Francis at the general audience in St. Peter’s Square on May 4, 2022 by Hannah Brockhaus Pope Francis, on the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, issued a letter to Catholics on the liturgy and the celebration of the Mass. The letter was published just before the July 16 anniversary of his controversial motu proprio Traditionis Custodes , which introduced new rules restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass. In Desiderio Desideravi , Pope Francis did not change Church law, but said he wanted “to invite the whole Church to rediscover, to safeguard, and to live the truth and power of the Christian celebration.” “I want,” he wrote, “the beauty of the Christian celebration and its necessary consequences for the life of the Church not to be spoiled by a superficial and foreshortened understanding of its value or, worse yet, by its being exploited in service of some ideol...